Friday, September 26, 2008

Looking to the Sky

I often find myself trapped in school between classes with piles of homework in front of me; people around me talking noisily of all their personal drama. At these times I find myself staring out the sky-scraper windows to the city below.

Cars rush by on the network of streets, people hurrying along to their various jobs and appointments. With all the rushing, bustling, and overwhelming noise and work before me I often find myself lifting my gaze to the sky.

Though the world rushes by the sky changes at it's own pace. Every minute new colors appear and old colors fade. Light and dark dance across the wide expanse creating a new masterpiece each moment.

The sky creates it's own set of emotions. The sunny clear days create happiness, the cloudy dark days create gloom. Sunrises and sunsets invoke wonder and awe.

Artists have tried for centuries to capture the fleeting moments of pristine color and beauty the mysterious sky creates. But although many talented painters have created some beautiful masterpieces, nothing can compare to the original.

Is it any wonder why we refer to our glorious atmosphere as the heavens. A radiant jewel above, constantly changing.

What a marvelous gift the sky is to us mere mortals. What a lovely testament to a more divine power above.

How amazing to realize we all exist under this one beautiful sky. Though we may be miles from those we love, we are all living and breathing under the same atmosphere.

As I eventually have to turn back to my homework and everyday life, I smile to myself and remember this is only a short time of life. The sky has existed in all it's glories for years and will continue to do so. Just as the sky is not always sunny nor are our days always good. But after the rain comes the rainbows, which would never be so beautiful if we hadn't had the rain.

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